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  • Writer's picturegenevieve curtis

love notes.

the other day, we went on a family walk to a local pond. the kids rode their bikes around the walking trail a couple times, jeremy and i sat on the bench just watching them, talking, enjoying our morning together before he had to go to work. as we were walking back, i looked up at the sky and saw the most beautiful bright sun clouds hidden but peaking through some very heavy dark clouds. i tried to snap a picture in that moment with my cell phone but as we all know, pictures never do it justice.

in that moment, looking up at the sky, listening to my kids, staring up at this bright almost glowing sunshine laced cloud carefully waiting there, behind the heavy dark clouds, i took a deep breath- you know the kind that goes way down into your soul- and in that moment i knew that everything was going to be ok. in that moment i felt god's hand in my life showing me- no matter how dark and crazy this life gets, he is always right there, just where we can't see but he is there waiting and pushing through it all for us.

god's hand is all around us. its that sunset that fills your heart with calm. its the rain that makes you feel as though everything is just washed away and you're standing there clean and whole. its the tiny flower growing where you'd never think it'd make it. whatever you are feeling, where you are at- when you start looking for these love notes from god, you will find them. what a beautiful gift of love from god.

i will not leave you comfortless; i will come to you. -john 14:18

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